
Featured on Shetland Wool Week Instagram

Picture from Shetland Wool Week Facebook page

I got ever so happy when I saw that Shetland Wool Week had found my Crofthoose Hat on Instagram. And then they featured it on their Facebookpage. Wow. I just got so honoured.

Unfortunately I am not visiting Shetland this year. It is a dream of mine and when I saw the feature I imediately looked if I could go. And no we have the meeting with Hjälpstickan that very same weekend. Ah well – maby next year!


En kommentar

  • Charlotte Wiking

    I also dream about going to Shetland Wool Week. Not only because of the wool, the most interesting workshops and meeting a lot of nice people, but also because of the wonderful landscape. Maybe some day in the future. Congrats to your lovely hat!